
I heart you autocorrect!

Autocorrect used to drive me crazy ... but not anymore! First of all it learned my language (foul words and all)! Second of all I have learned to use it's language - yes, even I speak in "autocorrect"! Let me give you an example: Autocorrect changes puking to piling; therefore, when I am about to puke (and hypothetically I am given thousands of reasons on any given day) I instead text "I'm about to pile" and am therefore already one step ahead of autocorrect! Last but definitely NOT least - it cracks me up! My frustration has turned into shear humor - I heart you autocorrect!
Bahh Haaaa Haaaa!
Gotta Love Moms!

Perfect for this WHNP!
These moms HAVE to learn the "lingo" - Ha!

Any Questions?


Anonymous said...

Piling is no fun, especially when it's caused by smurf control.

Anonymous said...

Now that I just peed in my pants! oh my! That's priceless! I needed that!